The moment I walked into my Emerging Technologies class and my attention was brought to the subject matter, I became acutely aware of the vast number of technologies there really are. It seems all too familiar to when I bought a new car, and the next day I noticed that there were many people with the exact same make and model already. Somehow this fact had gone unnoticed prior to me focusing my attention on it, and I think that is very similar to how I have been in regards to all the emerging technologies there really are.
Through researching cyborg technologies, I have been able to see first hand how close we are to truly integrating robotic devices with the human body. While the thought seems out of the question and something you would only find in Hollywood movies, it is quickly becoming a reality as successful research phases are continually being completed with several different devices. It is not far fetched to say that people will soon have powers and abilities to perform in ways that ordinary humans are not able to do.
This is such an amazing facet of emerging technologies. Just think of the possibilities...