After reading, "New Technologies, Old Culture: A Look at Women, Gender, and the Internet in Kuwait," for my Com 435 class, I quickly realized just how important the internet is for people, women specifically in this case, and how the medium provides an area to throw aside gender stereotypes and expectations, and say what you truly want to say. Whether it be the veil of anonymity the internet provides, or the available access to share opinions, the internet has definitely provided a more democratic landscape for women to escape the stigmas of a patriarchal society and express their thoughts.
Even in my day to day life, I look for answers and suggestions from online sites such as, Wiki-answers and Yahoo Answers where individuals are able to ask and answer using anonymous identities or acronyms. In Kuwait, where women are much more hesitant to give advice and information on topics stemming from the gender expectations of their society where women are not expected or asked for advice from males even though they may know quite well what the answer is, the internet provides a space and channel for females to do so.